Our People

Meet the people of Beyond in our family album

We attract employees who are smart, fun and work well as a team member within our family culture. We are very proud of our work and love to celebrate the people that make it happen.

We love making our employees happy, and here is proof!

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Division: Lifting

I love the people, the day I started, I felt like I was a part of the family. I love working with passionate people who care. I’ve had the privilege of being a part of lunch and learn presentations for a few engineer firms and I love seeing eyes light up as we explain the possibilities of what our foams can do.
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Division: Lifting

I love that I’m given the opportunity to do something that I’m passionate about. Every day is something different. The whole team is super supportive and we work well together. I love getting to do the really technical jobs, even the small ones, that have the biggest changes. It’s satisfying changing the look of a house for a homeowner and creating safe spaces.
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Division: Thermal

Alex loves the people he works with because who doesn’t want to enjoy who they work with?? 🙌 His favourite project is PetroFina, downtown. And we can’t blame him, it’s a pretty cool project.
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Division: Group

I get to do the marketing at Beyond Group and it’s pretty friggin’ great. I love getting to highlight the incredible work the people of Beyond get done. It’s hard to choose a favourite project because I’ve got to work on a lot of cool projects, but getting to go to the The Calgary Zoo early one morning to see some cool concrete lifting happen was fun!

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Division: Lifting

It’s easy to understand what an owner sacrifices to make a company run, but their family often goes underappreciated, so we want to show some appreciation to Lincon. It was fun when I went to Radium, BC with my dad and Mike and we were doing fill foam. They were pretty long, chill days, just pumping foam and getting stuff done. I like to hang out with my dad and making some money. It’s cool getting to learn valuable skills and work a more blue collar job, especially as an kid that’s underage. Gaining some good experience.
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Division: Insulation

What do I love about working at Beyond? I just love spray foam man. The crews. The front line. We have a good time. The most highly skilled and capable company I’ve worked for. We do good jobs here. We’re fast but the quality is second to none. It’s nice being out in the mountains, but I also like the big project where I get to pull the [spray foam] trigger all day. We had a project where we had to haul our hoses up 10 stories. That was cool.
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Division: Insulation

I love that I get to work with my family, my brother and my dad. The quality time I get with them is special. You don’t get that anywhere else.
I love working on any jobs in Canmore. I love going to the mountains for work.
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Division: Thermal

I like working here cause the people are friendly and helpful. Whenever I need help I can ask anyone; managers, coworkers, even the owners, and they would help.
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Division: Thermal

Jay’s superpowers are an undeniable enthusiasm and an unstoppable optimism that overcomes the most difficult challenges 💥
Jay’s favourite part about working at Beyond is the culture, it feels like a family (one that just keeps growing) and everyone is so happy here 🙌
“I’m in the thermal office and it’s a blast! We’re always laughing and telling jokes in between doing estimates and managing projects.”
“I love seeing a job go from quote stage to see it wrap up. It’s such a great feeling seeing something you saw on paper go into reality.”
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Division: Lifting

Simon is currently in the lifting division although his favourite project is actually from when he was on the insulation division 🔥
He was working with Gordo on a two story tower, just the two of them. He said “it wasn’t like it was insane, it was just the fluidity. That just felt like we achieved something great”.
They spray foamed and fire stopped it and got it done!
He said his favourite part about working at Beyond is the family vibe. “You can work in any department and anyone’s happy to help anyone out” and he said he’d do the same for anyone else here.
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Division: Insulation

Working with different people and skills. Everyone has their own ways of doing things which I get to learn. I love knowing people with different skills. Just when you think you know something, someone knows something different than you, maybe a better way of doing things.
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Division: Roofing

The people of Beyond are the best part. The support from the people is huge. People with different skills and experiences have opened my eyes to new possibilities. I’ve learned more in one year than anywhere else. My dream is to be a magic stick for Beyond. So anyone can call me for anything and I’m the guy to figure it out.
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Division: Insulation

Austin is one our lead sprayers and is so for a good reason! He cares about people and about doing things well!
Austin said his favourite part about working at Beyond Group is “all the great people around here and the experience that they bring. There’s so much expertise to learn from. Oh and not to mention, the broad scope of work that we do, we’re always busy and there’s never a dull moment.”
He said, “It would be hard to pick a favourite project but I really enjoy spraying any job where I get to be spraying outside in the sunshine!”
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Division: Thermal

“Beyond is a company that brings more than a paycheck and some great experience in the field. It for me, is a place where I’m excited to work regardless of who I may be with or what I may be doing. Everyone is so different, and it’s awesome. The only judgement comes from how you work and how hard you try. That’s probably my favourite thing. Just the people.
My favourite project was the golf course just because it was a really satisfying job to prep and complete.”
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Division: Roofing

Dan said that he’s never worked at a place that treats the employees the way they do here. “I’m used to being treated like a number.” He loves the way people are valued here is his favourite thing☝
Dan brings 30 years of experience to the table, so there’s not much he hasn’t seen or done. So he enjoys whenever he gets to do something a bit different, like this waterproof coating for a luxury rooftop hot tub out in Banff. There’s a parking lot below, so he and his team had to make sure no water could leak through.
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Division: Roofing

відношення та розуміння між людьми
In Andrii’s words, his favourite thing since working at Beyond is the relationships and understanding between people. Working at Beyond is more than just the work that needs to get done. He said “We do what we have to do. It’s not rocket science. But the relationships and understanding between people is more important and that makes all the difference.”
One of Andrii’s favourite projects was working on a roof out in Banff, well because who doesn’t love a view like that?
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Division: Insulation

Caleb said one of his favourite things about Beyond is the people.
“I love watching big commercial jobs come together – It’s pretty satisfying to see the progression of the job from beginning to completion. The crews like to laugh a lot and work hard. What more could you ask for?”
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Division: Group

Tammy started with Beyond 8 1/2 years ago and has been key in creating the culture of excellent “Beyond has consistently challenged me on both a professional and a personal level. Settling for good is not the goal but striving to be the best in all areas. Beyond is more than just the company I work for but the family that cares for my well being, and one that I can be proud to be a part of.”
Tammy is the glue at Beyond that keeps the crews running smoothly and the office on their toes with her quick wit and sarcastic comments! 🙌
Memes Pepe Silvia
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Division: Insulation

“My favourite part about working at Beyond is the “success culture”. We are all pushing each other to be the best we can be. This goes beyond the workplace, there is genuine concern for the employees’ personal well-being. There isn’t one project that I haven’t enjoyed, all my work is made light by seeing the bigger picture”
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Division: Insulation

I like working at Beyond because it’s fun and everyone here feels like family. I like we can joke around AND produce awesome work that shows we care about our customers. My favourite project would definitely have to be the Regina Honda job that Abe, Donovan, and I did a while back. We did A LOT of spraying there and it was really cool to be up there for the week and just pound out hours and put some nice foam down.
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Rachel profile


Division: Group

Rachel loves the opportunity to be a part of a team that is working together to achieve the same things. Her job isn’t customer-facing, but she works diligently to improve our systems internally to better serve our customers.
Come payday, she’s everyone’s favourite 😉
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Division: Insulation

This is probably the best job I’ve ever had. The best job and the best people. You can’t find a better company.
He loves fixing up houses and making sure every customer’s house is good and proper when he’s done with it.
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Division: Insulation

He’s the kind of guy that treats every home, garage or attic better than he would his own.
About the project: “Just another garage that I sprayed better than my own lol, walls and ceiling plus DC315 thermal barrier sprayed over the foam in the ceiling, my truck was spraying beautifully that day”
Around the shop, he’s known as Coco Leblanc, so if you see him on your site, he will answer that😉
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Nathan profile


Division: Insulation

One of Nathan’s favourite jobs was in Golden, BC a few years ago – he said it was a fun trip! “Ate some good food and enjoyed the socializing (plus a nap on the drive-in). Working alongside great colleagues has been a highlight at Beyond Group, allowing me to collaborate with new people all the time and learn so much. It’s something new every day.”
Main street in Golden, British Columbia
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Division: Thermal

First thing is, Beyond has culture! And because Beyond is my second home, it’s a family investment. I like that they can have a flexible schedule, because sometimes life comes up. For instance, sometimes I have to pick up my kids , and I need leave the job site early. Beyond not only cares for you, they care for your family as well. My favourite job site has been cornerstone.
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Wilbert Acosta


Division: Insulation

I like working at Beyond because it’s a company that we can all connect to each other and understand each other whenever a tough situation comes, whether it is personally or from the job.
My favourite project I’ve taken part in was for a client named Alex and all we had to do was a simple top up of insulation but the costumer was very kind and supportive of our work.
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Peter Michelle


Division: Thermal

I enjoy the aspects of our family oriented business, like the culture, crew diversity, meeting new people from Ukraine, and learning cultures is very exciting. As Thermal crews we not just help protect homes and businesses but we thrive on protecting people too. My favourite quote is “quitters never win and winners never quit” and here at beyond we go above and beyond our jobs. My favourite job so far has been the BMO Centre and Oasis Luxury Residences in Summerland BC.
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Division: Insulation

I love working for Beyond because it’s not just a company environment but a family. There is a mission to work together as a team to accomplish things that need to get done, because in the end we’re all striving for the same end goal – fine work completed by our teams and happy customers on the receiving end.
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Division: Insulation

There are good people here at Beyond. I found new friends and I feel comfortable working here. Not a stressful environment- I do things calmly and without nerves. My favorite project?.. all the projects that I did together with Adreas:)
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Division: Thermal

I love working at Beyond because of the superior leadership and the high level of workmanship. Beyond always puts there workers first and implements change to achieve an even higher standard. All employees at every level strive to do there best for Beyond. Some of my favourite job sites although challenging are Cornerstone and Beaumont High School.
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Mitch Savidant


Division: Thermal

I love working at Beyond Thermal because of the people. The management team is there for their employees and their door is always open. It’s an awesome place to work! I liked that at a staff meeting we played some games that brought us closer together as a family. One of the best jobs I have done for Beyond is at the BMO. I was petrified of heights and one of my jobs was to spray K13 at roughly 50 ft up on a manlift. I don’t like heights at all, but I overcame the fear and did it. I take pride what I do for Beyond Thermal and Curt and Kevin are really good bosses and people.

BMO Construction
Mike Plettell


Division: Lifting

I love working at beyond because we get stuff done and I like the people I get to do it with. We can joke with the owners and I think that’s important. My favorite projects are working with a product called FillFoam. Its a super neat void fill material and we get to do some cool projects.




Division: Thermal

I love working here because I feel like Beyond is not just a company for making money, I feel they are a family companion of life other than my blood family… and I really mean it. I have been on same project, Blue Bird, since day 1 and it has truly been great! Thank you Beyond!

Javey Martinez


Division: Thermal

Beyond is a family oriented company, good work ethics and they provide all employee materials, tools and team support, which I love.
The Cornerstone project is my favourite project. I love the team-work on that jobsite. Some aspects of the job were challenging but, tools are complete and great teamwork was a very big help. 


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Travis McBain


Division: Thermal

I love working here because all the people at Beyond are awesome to work with and the ownership is great to work for. My favourite project I’ve been on was probably Cornerstone, as I took that job on as my own and it was a big job!

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Leon Decoste


Division: Insulation

I like working at Beyond for the atmosphere that it brings, along with many people willing to lend a helping hand when needed. I like the dual reactor rigs- a plus with Beyond as it makes efficient work. My favorite job would be the car wash station. Nailed it down in half the estimated time resulting in happier customers, which is always the goal and standard which we strive for here.

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Division: Insulation

Ryan loves working here because there is a bigger purpose than just installing insulation. We help people and that is my favorite thing to do.
Ryan’s most memorable project was working on Calgary’s New Central Library. It was a massive undertaking and our team really stepped up to make it go smoothly.
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Gopi profile


Division: Thermal

Gopi says, Beyond has been more than a normal job for me. I love working at Beyond because of the positive culture, opportunities of growth, supportive management, and caring peers. I feel happy and motivated to come to work everyday.
My favorite project as an installer was for Hopewell Interlink, as our team went above and beyond to reach our goals.
I am now very excited to assist management with administrative support.
Hopewell Interlink
Justin H profile


Division: Insulation

For Justin, working at Beyond is great because of the people.  He is able to get the training and opportunities to grow and advance in the company. 


He has been part of hundreds of jobs at Beyond and doesn’t have a favorite project but loves laying down foam on any vaulted ceiling.

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Shawn profile


Division: Roofing

Shaun is all about the great atmosphere at Beyond. He says this made for an easy transition from his old company, as people are polite, motivated and helpful.  

His favorite projects were a series of roofs that were sprayed in Red Deer.  These jobs turned out really nice!

Roof coating install
Crystal profile


Division: Lifting

Crystal likes working at Beyond because of the people. It’s always a great feeling getting to come into work knowing it’s gonna be a great day because I get to see some of my favourite people.
One of my favourite projects was getting to coordinate lifting the sidewalks in front of the Gondola’s in Banff. We have the opportunity to do work all over our amazing Province, and get to see and do some pretty cool things.
Tia profile


Division: Thermal

Tia– It was an easy answer for Tia as she simply said, “the people are like a second family and I’m fortunate to work with them, they push me to grow and grow with me”.  

We love Tia because of her love for safety. She is key in making sure everyone gets home safe and she does it better than anyone.  Tia also was the main driver in our Beyond Awesome Onboarding Program.  If you want to learn more about this, you just have to apply!

Kat profile


Division: Thermal

Kat loves working at Beyond for a lot of reasons, but the staff and culture are at the top. She likes that every job has challenges and she is able to get the support from knowledgeable people who are ready to work together. 

Her favourite project was for a local farmers market as the fire stopping they installed was left exposed.  Typically their great work is hidden behind finishes, so this one really stands out as being awesome. 

Farmers Market Calgary
Adam profile


Division: Insulation

Adam loves his job because the Beyond team has always tried to curate a positive workplace.  They also allow for personal growth and actively pushes people towards it.

Adam loves any jobs in the mountains and it doesn’t matter what he is doing when he gets there!

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Division: Thermal

Dan loves working at Beyond because of the family feel. The owners really care about the people at Beyond and their families. He has nothing but respect for the whole team. 

Dan’s favourite project that we have worked on is the BMO expansion.  This is a massive undertaking requiring a full team effort. 



Division: Thermal

Mauri loves working at Beyond because of the endless opportunities for growth, learning and new experiences.  She also loves how incredibly supportive the team is and it truly feels like family.  

Her favourite project has been Safeway Voila.  It’s a massive structure and she has learned so many new firestopping techniques.  For Mauri, just being part of a project for a company like Safeway feels awesome. 

Justice profile


Division: Insulation

Justice loves the variety of jobs he gets to do at Beyond.  It feels like it’s never the same work 2 days in a row. He loves to expand his knowledge and do things he has never done before.

Justice’s favourite project was set design for the new Predator movie, Skulls.

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Division: Insulation

Oshwah loves working at Beyond because he works on something new everyday. He also loves that the team feels like a family.  Everyday people are saying good morning and asking how he is doing and there is no better feeling.  He says it’s a lot easier getting up in the morning when he knows people at work are all happy to be there.

Oshwah couldn’t just pick one favorite project so we allowed him 2.  The Kananaskis Lodge and the Strathmore High School GreenHouse were his favorite jobs.

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Division: Thermal

Corey – It was the company culture that drew Corey to start working at Beyond and it is what made it his 2nd family.  From the 1st day everyone around Corey knew he would be a long term fit because his positive attitude and pursuit to make others around him great was apparent.  

Corey’s favorite project has been the Safeway Voila.  He loved seeing the team develop and grow together while working on this multi-modality project.

Kevin profile


Division: Thermal

Kevin loves that Beyond has put him through the passes and he has been able to work a bit in all of the divisions.  He is gaining skill sets and loves the progression of the jobs. As he says, ‘at Beyond I’m able to earn a fat pay cheque and it is a solid career choice for me”

Kevin has enjoyed working at the BMO project and working at a high level has been challenging and rewarding. 

Jaraed profile


Division: Thermal

Jared says, “I love working at Beyond because of the culture.  Even when mistakes are made, we feel supported and are able to learn from them. It is easy to grow and be better here.”

Jared’s favorite project is working on the BMO expansion.  It is big, complicated and a very cool project.  

Rob profile


Division: Roofing

Rob, more than anything loves the energy and says it bounces off everyone.  There’s always laughter in the shop and on the job sites and that’s what keeps him working so hard. He also likes meeting all the new hires and working with the ones that fit our DNA. 

Rob’s favorite project was a huge roof tear off and reapply in Red Deer.  It was a project that other roofing companies couldn’t complete, but our crew were able to.  He also loved working on tv/movie sets, such as Heartland and Fraggle Rock.

Kyle profile


Division: Roofing

Kyle. Beyond invests in me becoming a better person and manager. I’m constantly being challenged and pushed out of my comfort zone and I feel supported while doing it.”

Kyle enjoyed being part of a SBS roof as he found it great training team members and getting to know the crew quite well in the process. Everyone on the team is super eager and willing to learn, and want to succeed.

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Chris profile


Division: Roofing

Chris loves working at Beyond because everyone is willing to take time to teach different skills. He wants to work to the best of his ability and the extra help gets him to his goal.

He really enjoyed doing a fairly large shingle project where his skills really grew and the client was very happy with the results on all the units.

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Division: Insulation

Donavan is a true culture guy and a team player.  He has been with Beyond since 2020 and from the first minute has shown himself as a self starter, engaged and a relentless worker.  When asked what Dono likes about working with Beyond he says it’s the team culture and the family feel.


One of Dono’s highlight jobs was spraying a yurt.  Everything from getting the spray foam rig to the site, spraying the unique job and staying at a place where they had to stoke a fire to stay warm was super neat.  

Benji profile


Division: Thermal

Benji loves that as Beyond grows it just feels like a bigger family.  He also loves that his bosses never give up on him and have pushed him in the right direction.  What we love about Benji is he is striving for more and wants to become great at his role.

A highlight project for Benji was working on set design for Fraggle Rock (now showing on Apple TV).  He was able to cast his cares away, worries for another day and simply ‘let the music play’… down at Fraggle Rock!

Juan profile


Division: Roofing

Juan believes that every good company should have a ‘family feel’ and that is the number one reason why he loves working at Beyond.  Since early 2020 Juan has stepped in and stepped up as a leader at Beyond with his expertise, with equipment and hard work ethic.  

Although Juan has many ‘favorite’ jobs, the one that sticks out to him was a complete spray foam roof where he applied 3lb roofing foam at Mountain Creek Farms.  It was Juan’s first large roof that he sprayed primarily by himself and it turned out amazing.

Author: Kevin Boschee